ISCSInternational Scientific Committee for Stone
Welcome to the web page of the International Scientific
Committee for Stone (ISCS).
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Stone (ISCS) researches and promotes the understanding, protection, conservation, and management of inorganic porous building materials (IPBM), including natural and artificial stone, mortars, concrete and brick.

ICOMOS Int. Scientific Committe for Stone- Annual Meeting
- Climate change,
- The SDGs and
- Education
As one of the oldest scientific committees, ISCS has performed a tremendous amount of work since 1967, while great advances have been made in the field of stone conservation. Nevertheless, a world in transition poses new challenges and priorities in research, practice and policy-making. These demand ISCS to be transversal, to increase capacity building in stone conservation and to prioritise its potential in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

With about 94 experts and associate members spread over different continents, ISCS represents a large scientific community represented by conservators, fundamental scientists, architects and entrepreneurs in the heritage sector.